![]() Come be a part of the CHAP Community and get invovled!! We have been blessed by the outpouring of love and support for our child sponsorship program over the last few years. We have developed a core group of giving individuals who are committed to bettering the lives of our kids in Liberia, Africa. We know that we CANNOT do this alone and we are humbled by your generosity and willingness to help! We THANK YOU! There are incredible blessings to the child sponsorship program for people like yourself who have been involved. The biggest would be the one on one connection of sponsoring a child. Being able to put a face to the name and know that you are helping this child. The simple reality is that we just do not have enough sponsors for all 65 kids. With our Feed A Child program we want to ban together to support all 65 and the entire orphanage as a whole. You will not just be sponsoring ONE child, but 65!! The Liberian Christian Orphanage is a beautiful place with some pretty amazing kids!! We want the kids to know that it is ALL about them, not a certain child or the children that are "sponsored", but all 65 of their beautiful smiling faces! We want to ban together locally and fight to give these kids more than enough food to help them grow and mature. To kick off our Feed A Child Program we are going to be hosting an open event launch party on February 4th!! This event will be held at The Community Room in Lancaster City, right above Prince Street Cafe. It is located on 19 N. Prince St Lancaster, PA. Our party will run from 7PM-8:30 PM and is a great opportunity to meet our staff, learn more about the kids and LCMO, and find out more about what you can do to help! Come enjoy some free coffee, food, music and a great evening of fellowship as we look to build on our CHAP community!! At the party you will be able to get involved on a monthly basis with our Feed A Child Program for as little as $15 a month, or just find out more information. If you have supported CHAP in the past, currently do, or are interested in giving in the future, EVERYONE is welcome!! For those of you who have already been involved through our child sponsorship program we would love for you to come to our party! NO RSVP is needed, but you can RSVP on our event page via Facebook if you would like. Tell your friends, your mom, grandma, dad, uncle, nephew, tell everyone!! Feel free to invite friends to the party!! We are so excited and cannot wait to see you there!
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